
Energy tips for harry potter mystery at hogwarts game
Energy tips for harry potter mystery at hogwarts game

  • Ministry of Magic: Head to the far right and interact with the golden statue to the right of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.
  • Dragon Sanctuary: Tap on the dragon to the right of the Norwegian Ridgeback Nest.
  • Black Lake: Head towards Merpeople Village and interact with the snake on the rock.
  • Diagon Alley: Head towards Gringotts and tap on the bag in front of the entrance.
  • Forbidden Forest: Tap on the web in front of the Spider’s Lair.
  • Hogsmeade: Interact with the person in the alleyway to the right of Three Broomsticks.
  • energy tips for harry potter mystery at hogwarts game

    Next, tap on the table to the right for a second energy source. Tap the stack of papers to the left of the door. Lower Floor – East: Head right until you find the library.Castle Ground: Head right until you find a stick on the ground.Dungeons: Tap the elf leaning against the pillar to the right of the Kitchen.Interact with the knights along the wall for a second source of energy. Lower Floor – West: Tap the brazier’s flames to the right of the Great Hall entrance.Magical Creatures Reserve: Tap the dog sitting on the ground in front of the mailbox.Quidditch Stadium: Head right until you find the Quidditch field.Tap the portrait to the left of the door. West Towers: Head right past Dumbledore’s Office until you reach the Prefects’ Bathroom.East Towers: Tap the portrait next to the Charms classroom.East Towers: Interact with Peeves the Poltergeist in the Divination classroom.There are numerous different locations you can travel to get free energy:

    energy tips for harry potter mystery at hogwarts game energy tips for harry potter mystery at hogwarts game

    However, not all of them are available immediately, and you’ll need to advance through the game to find more. Once you redeem the reward, it will go on cooldown, preventing you from claiming from the same place multiple times. Throughout the game, you’ll unlock spots that give you bonus energy. One of the methods listed above is visiting specific locations.

    Energy tips for harry potter mystery at hogwarts game