Uncheck any options to delete saved passwords.

The following is a handy website that covers most major browsers: If the above doesn’t help, try clearing your cache in Google Chrome after uninstalling.If prompted, let LockDown Browser end any process or application that it says is preventing it from being used.Then close Google Chrome after uninstalling Screencastify, or just close Google Chrome.

Click 'Ok' or 'Yes' to proceed if Windows Update in progress.If asked, click 'OK' or 'Yes' to close 1 or more processes.Close all open programs or applications on your computer.Find the 'Respondus' link at the bottom of the Home or 'Institution Page' in Bb Learn at, after login.Download and install the Respondus Lockdown browser application.Your fellow students will not see these photos, videos, or your ID's.Be ready to pan your camera or laptop around the room to show your physical testing space or environment.An iOS (iPad or iPhone) device may also work.Drexel DragonCard needed if photo ID option enabled in Respondus Monitor.Use a computer with built-in webcam and microphone (or external ones connected).Have students review the following 2-minute Respondus Student Overview video.Have students take an ungraded but required Bb Learn practice exam with Respondus enabled.How To Use ScreencastifySkip to end of metadataGo to start of metadata The antimalware application will detect any vicious components left among the system that can recover Screencastify. We also recommend to download and use Combo Cleaner Antivirus to scan the system after Screencastify removal to make sure that it is completely gone. If the above-mentioned methods didn’t help in eliminating the threat, then it’s better to rely on an automatic way of deleting Screencastify.